DE’s work with the CCCCC (Caribbean Com­mu­ni­ty Cli­mate Change Cen­tre) and the IDB (Inter-Amer­i­can Devel­op­ment Bank) is now avail­able online. The goal of the project was to deter­mine the needs of stake­hold­ers for envi­ron­men­tal mon­i­tor­ing and cli­mate change adap­ta­tion in the wider Caribbean region and then cre­ate a con­cep­tu­al design, oper­a­tional plan, and sus­tain­abil­i­ty plan, for a web-based data­base man­age­ment sys­tem.

The prod­uct of this work is C-READ (Caribbean Region­al Envi­ron­men­tal and Atmos­pher­ic Data) man­age­ment sys­tem. DE brought on the MONA Geoin­for­mat­ics Group in Kingston, Jamaica as a region­al part­ner on the project.

We are proud of the col­lec­tive effort of our team, MGI, CCCCC, and project par­tic­i­pants through­out the Caribbean. For more infor­ma­tion on the project and to see the spe­cif­ic deliv­er­ables, see the fol­low­ing links:

Gen­er­al Project Infor­ma­tion

Gap Analy­sis and Region­al Plan of Action Doc­u­ment

Con­cep­tu­al Design of C-READ Doc­u­ment

For more infor­ma­tion on this project con­tact us!