By invi­ta­tion of Mon­sieur Amadou Ba of the embassy of Mali in Ottawa, DE was delight­ed to attend the 2nd edi­tion of SIRA: Salon de l’art, de la cul­ture et du tourisme at La Mai­son de l’Afrique this past week­end in Mon­tre­al.

We are very hap­py to have had the chance to con­nect with rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the par­tic­i­pat­ing nations’ touris­tic and cul­tur­al pro­grammes, their diplo­mats, and asso­ci­at­ed enter­pris­es.

We would also like to encour­age all those in the Mon­tre­al area to sup­port Madame Mari­am Sy Diawara’s ini­tia­tive and vis­it La Mai­son de l’Afrique at future events — click here to learn more.