icon175x175Yee Haw! DE Pres­i­dent, David Oswald attend­ed the Stam­pede Invest­ment Forum (July 5–7, 2015) to work close­ly with Alber­tan busi­ness and gov­ern­ment, as well as inter­na­tion­al investors and busi­ness­es to cre­ate new oppor­tu­ni­ties for sus­tain­able ener­gy solu­tions.

The event was a clear demon­stra­tion of the extra­or­di­nary hos­pi­tal­i­ty that Cal­gar­i­ans are known for. In addi­tion, thought­ful and pro­duc­tive con­ver­sa­tions were made with the new provin­cial NDP gov­ern­ment and busi­ness lead­ers regard­ing the bal­ance between eco­nom­ic activ­i­ty and envi­ron­men­tal integri­ty.

Trips to the Syn­crude oil sand min­ing oper­a­tion at Fort McMur­ray and the Cen­ovus SAGD oper­a­tion at Christi­na Lake helped to ground these dis­cus­sions — lit­er­al­ly.

20150705_115340_resized_1DE Pres­i­dent, David Oswald (left), May­or of Cal­gary Naheed Nen­shi (cen­tre), Dr. Peter Ham­mond of CCM Research (right)