Logo-C2MTL-enDE Pres­i­dent, David Oswald, will be pre­sent­ing a mas­ter class in Design for Sus­tain­abil­i­ty at C2 Mon­tréal. The class will be host­ed by Ms. Nadya Huta­galung, an Indone­sian and Aus­tralian sus­tain­abil­i­ty icon who has host­ed MTV Asia and Asia’s Next Top Mod­el.

Nadya built one of Singapore’s first eco-homes from the ground up, spear­head­ed the Let Ele­phants Be Ele­phants cam­paign to reduce the demand for ivory in Asia. Nadya is a long-time Glob­al Ambas­sador for WWF’s Earth Hour, has addressed the UN Gen­er­al Assem­bly as a UN-GRASP Ambas­sador, and is a long-serv­ing board mem­ber of the Green School in Bali, Indone­sia.

Vis­it C2 Mon­tréal

The C2 mas­ter class will be a per­fect exam­ple of unit­ing design and envi­ron­ment at work and will take place on Tues­day May 24th from 15:30 to 17:00 in the Small Top at C2 Mon­tréal.