The Canadian government recommended DE to the Climate Technology Network and Centre as a result of the years of successful work in the area of climate change mitigation and adaptation. After scrutinizing the history of completed projects, the team, and the financial capability of DE, the United Nations approved the nomination and accepted DE as a member. DE is one of only eleven organizations in Canada that is a member.
The CTC-N is a collection of high-level organizations that have proven capabilities and capacity in the area of climate change mitigation and adaptation. The members are companies, non-governmental organizations, governments, universities, and research organizations. Developing nations submit requests for technical assistance to the CTC-N and these challenging mandates are put forth to qualified members to address. Stay tuned for more news of the DE team putting their skills, and those of their partners, to work to address the huge challenges we face with climate change.
For more information on the CTC-N follow this link