The government of Saint Lucia awarded DE and Caribbean coalition partner Mona Geoinformatics Limited the contract to design a web-based GIS (Geographic Information System) to help them manage their environmental monitoring and management data. Various agencies in Saint Lucia collect environmental data and this is a necessary process to understand the status of natural resources and also any risks that their country is exposed to.
Issues such as the impact of high energy storms, inundations, landslides, pest infestations, and degradation of natural systems are becoming more and more important to understand as population pressure and frequency of natural hazards increase. This system is to serve as an integrating platform for environmental data and will be focused on helping reporting procedures to three key multilateral environmental agreements to which Saint Lucia is a signatory: The UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), UNCCD (United Nations Convention on Combatting Desertification), and the UN CBD (United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity).
Climate change, land degradation, and the loss of biodiversity are global problems and multilateral cooperation is needed to address them. Platforms such as this will be critical for all countries to efficiently and effectively manage their environmental and socio-economic data and assist with evidence-based decision making at the local, national, and international levels. The DE team has an eleven year history working on such international mandates and understands that each situation has a unique biophysical socio-cultural, and economic context and our team brings this multi-faceted knowledge and experience to each project. We welcome contact from other countries or organizations seeking to do similar work.
This work is an extension of DE’s work with the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre and the Inter American Development Bank on the C-READ project. DE’s work with IICA (Inter American Institute for Collaboration on Agriculture) on agricultural risk mapping in the Caribbean also informs this work. For more information please contact us.
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