DE Founder Moderates a Virtual Symposium on Circular Economy in Northern Ontario
DE Founder, David Oswald, moderated a virtual symposium on the circular economy in Northern Ontario. Esteemed panelists from various industries and domains share their perspective on how the circular economy can become a reality in Northern Ontario. The symposium was sponsored by the Northern Policy Institute, Glencore, and delivered by Parlamericas, two leading research and policy think tanks working at the forefront of policy development and sustainability. The panel was co-moderated by Ms. Angela Recollet, Chair of the Indigenous Primary Health Care Council.
Mr. David Oswald, Founder & President — DE Design + Environment Inc, Associate Professor — Royal Roads University
Ms. Angela Recollet, CEO — Shkagamik-Kwe Health Centre
Marc Serre, MP for Nickel Belt, Ontario
Mr. Charles Cirtwill, Executive Director of Northern Policy Institute
Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Canada’s Minister of Environment
Sophia Mathur and Jane Walker, Fridays for Future Youth Movement of Sudbury
Mr. Aaron Henry, Senior Director for Natural Resources and Sustainable Policy, Canadian Chamber of Commerce
Dr. Gary Bota, Physician and Chair of the Climate and Health Task Force at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Mr. Peter Xavier, Vice President, Glencore
Dr. John Gunn, Canada Research Chair in Science, Engineering, and Architecture at Laurentian University, Director of the Vale Living With Lakes Centre
Ms. Ana Belen Sanchez, Green Jobs Specialist — United Nations International Labour Organization (ILO)