Projects //


We work around the world. We have a glob­al per­spec­tive and our projects range from the jun­gles of Africa to the deserts of Sau­di Ara­bia to the forests of West­ern Cana­da.

Our flex­i­ble and adap­tive busi­ness mod­el allows us to cus­tom design teams to meet the cul­tur­al, lin­guis­tic, and logis­ti­cal require­ments of any loca­tion.

Explore our world­wide projects by select­ing their loca­tion on the map above.

Vancouver, Canada //

Calgary, Canada //

Managua, Nicaragua //

Montreal, Canada //

Portsmouth, USA //

Saint John, Canada //

Rio de Janiero, Brazil //

Hanover, Germany //

Accra, Ghana //

Luki, Democratic Republic of the Congo //

Khobar, Saudi Arabia //

Nagoya, Japan //

Bogor, Indonesia //

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