Projects //

Com­mu­ni­ca­tions strat­e­gy for a CSR (cor­po­rate social respon­si­bil­i­ty) pro­gram.

A large ener­gy com­pa­ny enlist­ed DE’s exper­tise in design and com­mu­ni­ca­tion to deter­mine the best way to com­mu­ni­cate their CSR infor­ma­tion. The DE team looked to sam­ple inter­na­tion­al envi­ron­men­tal research projects such as the Mil­le­ni­um Assess­ment of Ecosys­tems in order to cre­ate a way of effec­tive­ly com­mu­ni­cat­ed com­pli­cat­ed and diverse data in mean­ing­ful ways for deci­sion mak­ers. DE cre­ative skills and depth of expe­ri­ence with infor­ma­tion designed was fun­da­men­tal to suc­cess on this project.