Projects //

Assess­ment of cli­mate change risks and vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties relat­ed to forests in coun­tries stud­ied in Cen­tral Amer­i­ca, Africa, and Indone­sia.

DE was hired by CIFOR (Cen­tre for Inter­na­tion­al Forestry Research) to pro­vide exper­tise in cli­mate change pol­i­cy, ecosys­tem sci­ence, and strate­gic com­mu­ni­ca­tion to their TroFC­CA (Trop­i­cal Forests and Cli­mate Change Adap­ta­tion) project. TroFC­CA was devel­oped to help Nicaragua, Hon­duras, Cos­ta Rica, Ghana, Mali, Burk­i­na Faso, and Indone­sia under­stand the risks that cli­mate change pose to ecosys­tems and also the role of forests in adap­tion. Research part­ners on the ground in the study coun­tries pro­vid­ed site-lev­el research.

DE was respon­si­ble for review­ing all site-lev­el research, per­form­ing a review of doc­u­ments from the UNFCCC on process­es for cre­at­ing 1st and 2nd Nation­al Com­mu­ni­ca­tions regard­ing cli­mate change, and syn­the­siz­ing these find­ings into a work­ing doc­u­ment. The project was con­duct­ed in Eng­lish, French and Span­ish and DE’s capa­bil­i­ty in infor­ma­tion design was use­ful in orga­niz­ing the infor­ma­tion in ways that were acces­si­ble to deci­sion mak­ers.