Assessment of climate change risks and vulnerabilities related to forests in countries studied in Central America, Africa, and Indonesia.
DE was hired by CIFOR (Centre for International Forestry Research) to provide expertise in climate change policy, ecosystem science, and strategic communication to their TroFCCA (Tropical Forests and Climate Change Adaptation) project. TroFCCA was developed to help Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa Rica, Ghana, Mali, Burkina Faso, and Indonesia understand the risks that climate change pose to ecosystems and also the role of forests in adaption. Research partners on the ground in the study countries provided site-level research.
DE was responsible for reviewing all site-level research, performing a review of documents from the UNFCCC on processes for creating 1st and 2nd National Communications regarding climate change, and synthesizing these findings into a working document. The project was conducted in English, French and Spanish and DE’s capability in information design was useful in organizing the information in ways that were accessible to decision makers.