Design Services //


A true mul­ti-media project com­bines dif­fer­ent media, tra­di­tion­al or con­tem­po­rary, in a seam­less man­ner and brings a mem­o­rable inter­ac­tive expe­ri­ence to the user.

Our teams are cre­at­ed based on the fact that we feel these projects are not based on tech­ni­cal, artis­tic, con­tent, or inter­ac­tive issues alone. Rather, it is the inter­play between these domains that brings the val­ue that mul­ti­me­dia holds. Our mul­ti­me­dia team is com­prised of writ­ers, 2D artists, 3D artists, pro­gram­mers, indus­tri­al design­ers, archi­tects, sci­en­tists, and vision­ar­ies. We work flu­id­ly between the dis­ci­plines yet all adhere to an over­all project man­age­ment vision and plan.

Our work is seen in sci­ence cen­tres and muse­ums, the web, cul­tur­al events, stand-alone kiosks, and pret­ty much any oth­er venue where peo­ple can be engaged by con­tent.

For every project we craft the right team to meet the set objec­tives. In fact, one of our core skills is build­ing syn­er­gis­tic design teams for mul­ti­me­dia projects. This can mean painters work­ing with Arab poets, or C pro­gram­mers work­ing with cin­e­matog­ra­phers — it all depends on the project. The com­mon bot­tom line for all projects is world class qual­i­ty, from con­cep­tion through to the launch.

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