Sitemap //
- Insights
- International Contemporary Furniture Fair — The Avant Garde goes Green
- Glaciers — Ice Sculptures of the Earth System Serving as Examples for Business
- Lufa Farms — Rooftop Urban Food Systems, a Key to Healthy Cities of the Future
- Climate Change Adaptation in Guyana and Suriname — Responding to Risks with GIS
- Dealing with Disruption and Resource Pressure — Ecosystem Service Valuation in Todos Santos
- X-Mas Insight Special: Design Thinking at UN Biodiversity COP13 Conference in Cancun, Mexico
- Be a 21st Century Business Leader, Be a B Corp
- Insights-Design
- Insights-Environment
- Insights-Inspire
- landscape
- Opening of the Sultan bin Abdulaziz Science and Technology Center
- Schematic design completed for HR MacMillan Space Center
- International Scientific Research Conference on Climate Change and the Fate of the Amazon at Oxford University
- DE at conference — Climate 2050: Technology and Policy Solutions
- DE at MIGS 2007
- DE talks at IISD on Remote Sensing and Resilience
- DE presenting at the British Council in Brazil.
- DE at FAAP in Sao Paulo, Brazil
- DE Presents at MIGS (Montreal International Games Summit).
- DE Presents at MODSIM North 2010
- David Oswald joins experts on EIA panel at Concordia University
- DE meets with National Research Council in Calgary
- DE explores the Kokanee Glacier and Valhallas
- DE attends the British Consulate General’s End of Summer Reception
- DE attends the Montreal inVivo and Genome Quebec Conference entitled “Les accélérateurs de la recherche”
- DE attends the grand opening of The Centre for Sustainable Development in Montreal
- The Telus Spark Science Centre in Calgary is now open!
- DE attends Le Salon SIRA 2012
- DE at Conference de Montreal
- David Oswald elected as Fellow to Royal Canadian Geographic Society
- DE Addresses Food Risk in Trinidad
- landscape-highlight
- DE in the Amazon
- DE at COP10 in Nagoya, Japan
- DE in Canadian Geographic.
- UK Trade and Investment exhibit a hit at Americana (
- Telus World of Science Calgary New Science Centre 2011 Project
- DE Featured in United Nations CBD Business Newsletter for November 2011
- DE and Rio+20
- Rio Conventions Pavilion Project Page & CEIM Press Release feature
- C-READ workshop launched at IADB in Barbados
- DE Wins United Nations Logo Design Contest
- DE Presents at Mexican Banking Association
- DE wins Environmental System Design and Analysis Contract in Saint Lucia
- DE and TED — design + environment is an idea worth spreading
- DE at UN Biodiversity Convention SBSTTA and SBI meetings
- Saint Lucia launches MGI-DE designed Environmental Information System
- DE at Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week
- DE Delivers Data for Nature Workshop in Caribbean
- Mandates
- Mandates-Design
- Mandates-Environment
- Media
- BDA Foundation Presentation at United Nations CBD COP 10 Conference
- Fall 2017 — SD Lecture 1: Big Storms, Big Problems in the Caribbean
- Fall 2017 — SD Lecture 2: The Rio Conventions (UNFCCC, UNCBD, UNCCD) — Three Key MEAs
- Fall 2017 — SD Lecture 3: Ecosystem Ecology and Sustainable Development – From Theory to Practice, Insights from first hand research and travels in Amazonia
- Fall 2017 — SD Lecture 4: Global Land Degradation, a sleeper issue at the centre of things – Insights from the field to the UNCCD Plenary
- SD Lecture 5: Social Capital and Sustainability — Non-Institutional Education and Social Agency of Our Planet
- Fall 2017 SD Lecture 6: Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Services – Decoupling the Economy from the Environment using Design
- Fall 2017 SD Lecture 7: Why CSR is Bad and Design for Environment is Good
- News
- Opening of the Sultan bin Abdulaziz Science and Technology Center
- Schematic design completed for HR MacMillan Space Center
- DE in the Amazon
- International Scientific Research Conference on Climate Change and the Fate of the Amazon at Oxford University
- DE at conference — Climate 2050: Technology and Policy Solutions
- DE at MIGS 2007
- DE talks at IISD on Remote Sensing and Resilience
- DE presenting at the British Council in Brazil.
- DE at FAAP in Sao Paulo, Brazil
- DE Presents at MIGS (Montreal International Games Summit).
- DE Presents at MODSIM North 2009
- DE Presents at MODSIM North 2010
- DE at COP10 in Nagoya, Japan
- DE in Canadian Geographic.
- Business Beyond Tomorrow conference at the John Molson School of Business at Concordia University.
- UK Trade and Investment exhibit a hit at Americana (
- David Oswald joins experts on EIA panel at Concordia University
- Telus World of Science Calgary New Science Centre 2011 Project
- DE at the ICFF (International Contemporary Furniture Fair)
- DE meets with National Research Council in Calgary
- DE explores the Kokanee Glacier and Valhallas
- DE in San Jose, Costa Rica
- DE Explores Traditional Knowledge at International Ayurveda Conference
- DE attends the British Consulate General’s End of Summer Reception
- DE attends the Montreal inVivo and Genome Quebec Conference entitled “Les accélérateurs de la recherche”
- DE’s work featured in the ‘Innovation’ section of Oct 2011 Canadian Geographic
- DE attends the grand opening of The Centre for Sustainable Development in Montreal
- The Telus Spark Science Centre in Calgary is now open!
- DE Featured in United Nations CBD Business Newsletter for November 2011
- Spark Science environmental graphic design by DE is showcased in Design Edge Canada
- DE and Rio+20
- Winners of the Design Edge Regional Design Awards Announced
- Rio Conventions Pavilion Project Page & CEIM Press Release feature
- DE attends Le Salon SIRA 2012
- DE Design Celebrates International Day of Biodiversity
- DE at Conference de Montreal
- DE launches workshop for CCCCC DMS Project in Kingston, Jamaica
- UN STAP Soil Organic Carbon work highlighted with DE Design
- UN 20–20 talks on Biodiversity in Montreal Oct 3, 8, and 15th
- DE Attends Cities and Biodiversity Conference at Concordia
- DE presents at conference in Ankara, Turkey
- DE’s Caribbean Environmental Monitoring Work Published
- DE and BDA Foundation work to save Congo Forests!
- DE at UN COP12 in Pyeongchang, Korea
- DE Presents at Asian Development Bank
- DE on World Bank Trade Mission
- DE goes live on Global Morning News
- DE presents at Americana 2015
- DE attends opening of CSU’s Todos Santos Center
- DE at the Stampede Investment Forum
- C-READ workshop launched at IADB in Barbados
- DE at UN COP21 climate conference in Paris
- DE Delivers Agriculture Risk Workshop with IICA
- European Presence for DE in Vienna
- DE at GLOBE Conference
- DE Wins United Nations Logo Design Contest
- DE at C2 Montréal
- DE in Huffington Post
- DE Tackles Food Security in Guyana and Suriname
- DE accepted into the Climate Technology Network and Centre
- DE Launches ‘Canada Outreach’
- David Oswald elected as Fellow to Royal Canadian Geographic Society
- DE Presents at Mexican Banking Association
- DE wins Environmental System Design and Analysis Contract in Saint Lucia
- DE Enters the Virtual World with VR Production
- DE and TED — design + environment is an idea worth spreading
- DE presents at UNCCD COP13 in Ordos, Inner Mongolia, China
- DE Addresses Food Risk in Trinidad
- DE Presents on Climate Finance at GLOBE 2018
- DE at UN Biodiversity Convention SBSTTA and SBI meetings
- Saint Lucia launches MGI-DE designed Environmental Information System
- Nomination for Latinspiration Award
- DE presents at CEIM — Going Global with Business
- DE — MGI Team Complete Climate Data Sharing Protocol for the Caribbean
- DE at Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week
- DE Presents at King Faisal University
- DE and MGI win bid to develop ground-breaking environmental information system for Antigua and Barbuda
- DE Founder Moderates a Virtual Symposium on Circular Economy in Northern Ontario
- Launch of Antigua and Barbuda’s NEIS
- DE Delivers Data for Nature Workshop in Caribbean
- portrait
- DE Presents at MODSIM North 2009
- Business Beyond Tomorrow conference at the John Molson School of Business at Concordia University.
- DE in San Jose, Costa Rica
- DE Explores Traditional Knowledge at International Ayurveda Conference
- DE launches workshop for CCCCC DMS Project in Kingston, Jamaica
- UN STAP Soil Organic Carbon work highlighted with DE Design
- DE Attends Cities and Biodiversity Conference at Concordia
- DE attends opening of CSU’s Todos Santos Center
- DE at the Stampede Investment Forum
- DE at UN COP21 climate conference in Paris
- DE accepted into the Climate Technology Network and Centre
- DE Launches ‘Canada Outreach’
- Nomination for Latinspiration Award
- DE Founder Moderates a Virtual Symposium on Circular Economy in Northern Ontario
- portrait-highlight
- DE at the ICFF (International Contemporary Furniture Fair)
- DE’s work featured in the ‘Innovation’ section of Oct 2011 Canadian Geographic
- Spark Science environmental graphic design by DE is showcased in Design Edge Canada
- Winners of the Design Edge Regional Design Awards Announced
- DE presents at conference in Ankara, Turkey
- DE and BDA Foundation work to save Congo Forests!
- DE Presents at Asian Development Bank
- DE on World Bank Trade Mission
- DE at the Stampede Investment Forum
- DE at UN COP21 climate conference in Paris
- DE at C2 Montréal
- DE in Huffington Post
- DE Tackles Food Security in Guyana and Suriname
- DE presents at UNCCD COP13 in Ordos, Inner Mongolia, China
- Projects
- Expo 2000 — Energy Pavilion
- Learning Engine
- H.R. MacMillan Space Centre
- Sultan bin Abdulaziz Science and Technology Centre (SciTech)
- PharmAfrican Inc. — Carbon Strategy
- Energy Company Greenhouse Gas Trading Strategy
- Olhos no Clima Program with British Council
- Biotechnology for Development in Africa (BDA) Foundation — Environmental Strategy / Forest Carbon Project Development
- CIFOR (Centre for International Forestry Research) TroFCCA (Tropical Forests and Climate Change Adaptation) Project
- Energy Company Corporate Social Responsibility Metrics and Data Analysis
- Energy Company Corporate Social Responsibility Communications Strategy
- United Nations Convention on Biodiversity COP 10 Meeting Side Event
- Energy Company Greenhouse Gas Footprint
- UKTI Americana Exhibit — 2011
- Telus World of Science Calgary — New Science Centre 2011 Project
- Rio Conventions Pavilion at Rio+20
- Agricultural Risk Maps with IICA
- Caribbean Environmental and Atmospheric Monitoring Database Management System
- DE Greentech Ventures
- Projects-Design
- Projects-Environment
- PharmAfrican Inc. — Carbon Strategy
- Energy Company Greenhouse Gas Trading Strategy
- Olhos no Clima Program with British Council
- Biotechnology for Development in Africa (BDA) Foundation — Environmental Strategy / Forest Carbon Project Development
- CIFOR (Centre for International Forestry Research) TroFCCA (Tropical Forests and Climate Change Adaptation) Project
- Energy Company Corporate Social Responsibility Metrics and Data Analysis
- Energy Company Corporate Social Responsibility Communications Strategy
- United Nations Convention on Biodiversity COP 10 Meeting Side Event
- Energy Company Greenhouse Gas Footprint
- Agricultural Risk Maps with IICA
- Caribbean Environmental and Atmospheric Monitoring Database Management System
- DE Greentech Ventures
Sitemap created with WP Realtime Sitemap.