We pro­vide our envi­ron­men­tal, tech­ni­cal, and cre­ative exper­tise to for­est car­bon projects. Our team can act as con­sul­tants, part­ners, financiers, or as part of a larg­er col­lab­o­ra­tive team on for­est car­bon projects. The depth of our con­tri­bu­tion comes from our expe­ri­ence with ecosys­tem sci­ence and geospa­tial tech­nol­o­gy.

There is often a lot of syn­er­gy between the work we do in cor­po­rate social respon­si­bil­i­ty and the for­est car­bon projects we engage with. We will always aim to get involved with projects that have a triple bot­tom line aspect and which are ful­ly inte­grat­ed with the local com­mu­ni­ty. Expe­ri­ence work­ing on cli­mate change mit­i­ga­tion and adap­ta­tion pol­i­cy analy­sis allows us to con­nect for­est car­bon projects with inter­na­tion­al envi­ron­men­tal pol­i­cy. We can iden­ti­fy areas of syn­er­gy and ways to main­stream pol­i­cy objec­tives with prac­ti­cal for­est car­bon projects.

Our focus is on REDD (reduced emis­sions from ecosys­tem degra­da­tion and defor­esta­tion) and AR (afforesta­tion and refor­esta­tion) and how we can direct these projects towards vol­un­tary or reg­u­lat­ed mar­kets. Part of our role is deter­min­ing the best path for­ward for a for­est car­bon project.