Design //
Multi-media +
We apply an interdisciplinary approach to design. The result is true multimedia design.
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Science Centres and Museums +
We design science centres and museums. Writing, graphics, AV, physical exhibits, and conceptual direction are our forte.
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Information Design +
We make information both understandable and compelling. Environmental data and science is our specialty.
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Event Design +
Our diverse teams of design professionals will make your exhibit or cultural event engaging, ecological and captivating.
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Environment //
Corporate Consultation +
Our environmental consultants bring deep scientific knowledge and strategic thinking to environmental mandates for corporations.
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Policy Consultation +
We provide environmental expertise to NGOs, IGOs, research organizations, and governments.
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Forest Carbon +
We work on forest carbon projects as consultants and facilitators and have a broad network of affiliates in this emerging area.
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Environmental Research +
Our team brings value to environmental research projects ranging from technology innovation to ecology and global processes.
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Latest News //
DE Delivers Data for Nature Work…
May 3, 2024DE, in collaboration with UN DESA and CARICOM delivered a three day workshop in Belize (April 30, May 1, 2), presenting the results …Read MoreLaunch of Antigua and Barbuda’s …
October 22, 2021The government of Antigua and Barbuda launched their NEIS (National Environmental Information System) and NRI (Natural …Read MoreDE Founder Moderates a Virtual S…
January 19, 2021DE Founder, David Oswald, moderated a virtual symposium on the circular economy in Northern Ontario. Esteemed panelists …Read MoreDE and MGI win bid to develop gr…
March 2, 2020DE and Caribbean partner, MGI, win the bid to design and implement Antigua and Barbuda’s National Environmental Data and …Read MoreDE Presents at King Faisal Unive…
February 1, 2020DE Founder and President, Dave Oswald, was invited to present DE’s work and research at King Faisal University in Hofuf, Saudi …Read MoreDE at Abu Dhabi Sustainability W…
January 6, 2020DE President, David Oswald, will present at the Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week held from Jan 11 to 18, 2020 in Abu Dhabi, UAE. The Abu …Read MoreDE — MGI Team Complete Climate D…
September 30, 2019The DE — MGI team won the project to design a climate data sharing protocol for the Caribbean Region (Oct 2018). This project was …Read MoreDE presents at CEIM — Going Glob…
March 19, 2019DE President and Founder gave a presentation at Centre for Enterprise and Innovation of Montreal (CEIM). The title is talk …Read MoreNomination for Latinspiration Aw…
November 10, 2018DE President, David Oswald was nominated for a Latinspiration award in the Sustainability category. The nomination …Read MoreSaint Lucia launches MGI-DE desi…
August 25, 2018The MGI-DE consortium conceptualized, designed, and implemented a NEIS (National Environmental Information System) for the …Read MoreDE at UN Biodiversity Convention…
July 11, 2018DE Founder and President, David Oswald is participating in the science and technology (SBSTTA) and implementation (SBI) …Read MoreDE Presents on Climate Finance a…
March 26, 2018DE President, David Oswald, to presented on Climate Finance with Global Affairs Canada at GLOBE 2018. The presentation …Read MoreDE Addresses Food Risk in Trinid…
November 10, 2017DE successfully completed a field mission to Trinidad in which the team delivered a week long workshop to members of the Ministry …Read MoreDE presents at UNCCD COP13 in Or…
September 11, 2017DE President, David Oswald, was invited to present at the UNCCD (United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification) COP13 …Read MoreDE and TED — design + environmen…
June 10, 2017DE founder and president, David Oswald, presents at TEDx Laval on May 15, 2017. The title of the talk is “Mainstreaming Ecology …Read MoreDE Enters the Virtual World with…
February 28, 2017DE initiates its first Virtual Reality Production with a short piece on climate change and implications for the Greater …Read MoreDE wins Environmental System Des…
January 30, 2017The government of Saint Lucia awarded DE and Caribbean coalition partner Mona Geoinformatics Limited the contract to design …Read MoreDE Presents at Mexican Banking A…
December 3, 2016DE President, David Oswald, delivered a presentation on ‘Mainstreaming Biodiversity and Ecosystems into Banking’ to the …Read MoreDavid Oswald elected as Fellow t…
November 28, 2016David Oswald was elected as one of the 2016 Fellows to the Royal Canadian Geographic Society. This was announced at the RCGS …Read MoreDE Launches ‘Canada Outreach’
November 7, 2016DE has initiated it’s ‘Canada Outreach’ program which is focused on engaging youth across the country to think creatively and in …Read MoreDE accepted into the Climate Tec…
November 1, 2016The Canadian government recommended DE to the Climate Technology Network and Centre as a result of the years of …Read MoreDE Tackles Food Security in Guya…
October 12, 2016DE GIS team delivered a successful workshop on ARM (Agricultural Risk Mapping) in Georgetown, Guyana to a group of 25 …Read MoreDE in Huffington Post
June 1, 2016DE President, David Oswald, is interviewed for an article in the Huffington Post Quebec. Pierre Moisan poses questions to …Read MoreDE at C2 Montréal
May 18, 2016DE President, David Oswald, will be presenting a master class in Design for Sustainability at C2 Montréal. The class will be …Read MoreDE Wins United Nations Logo Desi…
April 14, 2016The DE team has won the logo design for the United Nations 2016 International Day of Biodiversity. The DE design was selected …Read MoreDE at GLOBE Conference
March 4, 2016DE president, David Oswald, will participate in the GLOBE Series conference. David will be affiliated with the natural …Read MoreEuropean Presence for DE in Vien…
January 14, 2016DE now has a European presence in the beautiful Vienna — home of the Seccession, Mozart, and many other brilliant creative …Read MoreDE Delivers Agriculture Risk Wor…
December 16, 2015DE works with IICA (InterAmerican Institute for Collaboration on Agriculture) to develop algorithms and maps for …Read MoreDE at UN COP21 climate conferenc…
December 15, 2015DE President attends COP21 to attend side events focused on climate change adaptation and disaster risk management. The new …Read MoreC-READ workshop launched at IADB…
October 20, 2015DE delivers education and outreach workshop for C-READ (Caribbean Regional Environmental and Atmospheric Database Management …Read MoreDE at the Stampede Investment Fo…
July 10, 2015Yee Haw! DE President, David Oswald attended the Stampede Investment Forum (July 5–7, 2015) to work closely with Albertan …Read MoreDE attends opening of CSU’s Todo…
April 19, 2015DE attends the opening of Colorado State University’s new campus in Todos Santos, Baja California del Sur, Mexico. CSU’s …Read MoreDE presents at Americana 2015
March 15, 2015DE President will present on a panel with Reg Melanson (Executive Director, Canadian Business and Biodiversity Council), Amy …Read MoreDE goes live on Global Morning N…
March 9, 2015DE was featured on the global morning news on Thursday March 5, 2015. Host Richard Dagenais, aka the Dagenator, inquired about …Read MoreDE on World Bank Trade Mission
March 7, 2015DE President, David Oswald, participated in a trade mission of leading Canadian private sector companies who met with …Read MoreDE Presents at Asian Development…
January 18, 2015DE president, David Oswald, was invited to present to the members of the ADB’s environmental community of practice at their …Read MoreDE at UN COP12 in Pyeongchang, K…
October 21, 2014DE President, David Oswald, was featured as a presenter at the United Nations CBD COP12 parallel event on Business and …Read MoreDE’s Caribbean Environmental Mon…
June 12, 2014DE’s work with the CCCCC (Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre) and the IDB (Inter-American Development Bank) is now …Read MoreDE presents at conference in Ank…
May 19, 2014DE President, David Oswald, delivered a presentation entitled: “Sustainable Development and its implications for …Read MoreDE Attends Cities and Biodiversi…
March 10, 2014DE President, David Oswald, attended the Urban Biodiversity Conference — Cities: Partnerships in Biodiversity, at …Read MoreUN 20–20 talks on Biodiversity i…
September 26, 2013DE is proud to sponsor and participate in the United Nations Secretariat for the Convention on Biological Diversity’s 20/20 …Read MoreUN STAP Soil Organic Carbon work…
September 10, 2013DE brought design and environmental science to the new publication: Soil Organic Carbon for Global Benefits, produced by the …Read MoreDE launches workshop for CCCCC D…
June 20, 2013DE launched a workshop for the Database Management System project that is being done with the Caribbean Community Climate Change …Read MoreDE at Conference de Montreal
June 19, 2013DE president, David Oswald attends the Conference of Montreal to participate in discussions related to the energy, …Read MoreDE Design Celebrates Internation…
May 22, 2013DE brings their design skills to this very important day. The United Nations Secretariat for the Convention on Biological …Read MoreDE attends Le Salon SIRA 2012
September 17, 2012By invitation of Monsieur Amadou Ba of the embassy of Mali in Ottawa, DE was delighted to attend the 2nd edition of SIRA: Salon de …Read MoreRio Conventions Pavilion Project…
August 31, 2012DE is honoured to have been featured in CEIM’s latest press release! Check out their full article on the project, the Rio+20 …Read MoreWinners of the Design Edge Regio…
July 5, 2012DE would like to extend its congratulations to our fellow Quebec-nominated firm, Sid Lee, for winning the Design Edge Regional …Read MoreDE and Rio+20
June 11, 2012DE’s team has been hard at work on the design of and graphic production for the UN Convention on Biological Diversity’s (CBD) …Read MoreSpark Science environmental grap…
January 20, 2012Design Edge Canada featured DE’s work on the Telus Spark Science Centre in Calgary in its Jan/Feb 2012 issue. The focus of the issue …Read MoreDE Featured in United Nations CB…
November 20, 2011DE President, David Oswald, writes about the inter-relationship between Design, Biodiversity, and Corporate Social …Read MoreThe Telus Spark Science Centre i…
November 11, 2011In February 2010 DE was awarded the contract to provide 2D design, 3D design, art direction, content direction, and content …Read MoreDE attends the grand opening of …
October 24, 2011DE was present for Montreal’s La maison du développement durable or The Center for Sustainable Development’s open house on the week of …Read MoreDE’s work featured in the ‘Innov…
October 17, 2011Canadian Geographic has published an article on the Telus World of Science Calgary New Science Centre 2011 Project. DE …Read MoreDE attends the Montreal inVivo a…
September 12, 2011Carole Robert, president of the BDA Foundation and PharmAfrican Inc — DE clients and partners — gave the keynote address to open …Read MoreDE attends the British Consulate…
August 25, 2011DE had the pleasure of ending the summer with a wonderful group of people at the British Consulate General’s End of Summer …Read MoreDE Explores Traditional Knowledg…
August 13, 2011What is the relationship between traditional indian knowledge about our health and ecological health? Increasingly, …Read MoreDE in San Jose, Costa Rica
July 22, 2011DE President, David Oswald travels to San Jose, Costa Rica for meetings with the University for International Cooperation, …Read MoreDE explores the Kokanee Glacier …
July 11, 2011DE goes on a reconnaissance mission to get a first hand look at the Kokanee Glacier from above. Thierry Noblet of Kootenay …Read MoreDE meets with National Research …
July 5, 2011David Oswald (far left) and Edward Bell, President of Crown Bio Technology Ltd., a DE partner company, met with …Read MoreDE at the ICFF (International Co…
May 17, 2011DE attends the ICFF at the Javits Convention Center in New York city. Designers from around the world convened at this conference …Read MoreTelus World of Science Calgary N…
April 28, 2011The environmental graphic production team of DE was awarded the contract to produce all graphics for the Energy and Innovation …Read MoreDavid Oswald joins experts on EI…
March 25, 2011DE President David Oswald sits on a panel with EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) experts Bram Noble, Grace Barrasso, Kathy …Read MoreUK Trade and Investment exhibit …
March 24, 2011DE was retained by the British Consulate General in Montreal to design a ‘hobo-chic’ exhibit that showcased UK innovation in the …Read MoreBusiness Beyond Tomorrow confere…
March 11, 2011Members of the DE team, Larissa Milo-Dale and David Oswald, attend the Business Beyond Tomorrow conference on sustainability and …Read MoreDE in Canadian Geographic.
January 23, 2011Summary Text DE’s consulting with the BDA Foundation in environmental strategy, forest carbon, and climate change was …Read MoreDE at COP10 in Nagoya, Japan
October 23, 2010DE co-hosts a side event with BDA Foundation at the United Nations Convention on Biodiversity COP 10 Conference in Nagoya, …Read More- DE Presents at MODSIM North 2010June 3, 2010David Oswald delivers presentation on climate change and modelling and simulation.…Read More
- DE Presents at MODSIM North 2009June 3, 2009David Oswald presents to an audience of diverse scientific professionals on environmental applications of modelling and …Read More
DE Presents at MIGS (Montreal In…
November 3, 2008David Oswald gives a presentation at MIGS 2008 in the Serious Games section. The presentation was focused on the role of serious …Read MoreDE at FAAP in Sao Paulo, Brazil
May 3, 2008DE (David Oswald, President) sits on panel discussion at conference on Business, Environment, and Social Responsibility. FAAP …Read MoreDE presenting at the British Cou…
May 3, 2008DE (David Oswald, President) presents at the British Council in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo as part of “De Olho No Clima”, a program …Read MoreDE talks at IISD on Remote Sensi…
May 3, 2008DE (David Oswald, President) presents at IISD (International Institute for Sustainable Development) annual meeting of the …Read MoreDE at MIGS 2007
November 3, 2007DE at MIGS 2007 (Montreal International Games Summit).…Read MoreDE at conference — Climate 2050:…
October 3, 2007DE at conference — Climate 2050: Technology and Policy Solutions.…Read MoreInternational Scientific Researc…
March 3, 2007David Oswald participates in International Scientific Research Conference on Climate Change and the Fate of the Amazon at …Read MoreDE in the Amazon
May 3, 2006David Oswald, DE President, journeys to the Amazon to study its ecological resilience.…Read MoreSchematic design completed for H…
December 3, 2005Schematic design completed for HR MacMillan Space Center. Results presented to ministry representatives from British Columbia’s …Read MoreOpening of the Sultan bin Abdula…
November 3, 2005Opening of the Sultan bin Abdulaziz Science and Technology Center, Khobar, Saudi Arabia. “An outstanding team of people …Read More