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typical DE desk

The DE approach is focused on being adapt­able to the con­straints of projects while main­tain­ing world-class qual­i­ty. Our first step is gain­ing a clear under­stand­ing of the objec­tives of any project and then map­ping out a strat­e­gy to achieve the desired results. This entails build­ing the right team, cre­at­ing the right plan, and ensur­ing that finan­cial and logis­ti­cal fac­tors are appro­pri­ate­ly addressed.

We dif­fer­en­ti­ate our­selves from oth­er design firms by hav­ing very deep knowl­edge and skills in envi­ron­men­tal analy­sis and design. We dif­fer from oth­er con­sult­ing firms by bring­ing world-class cre­ative tal­ent to our work in addi­tion to deep ana­lyt­i­cal skills. The syn­er­gy we cap­ture between design and envi­ron­men­tal sci­ence gives us an edge that can take a client’s project from excel­lent to out­stand­ing.

DE is a cre­ative com­pa­ny but it is a respon­si­ble com­pa­ny. We take sus­tain­abil­i­ty seri­ous­ly and we take our clients needs seri­ous­ly. Our projects are deliv­ered on time, on bud­get, with a lev­el of qual­i­ty that exceeds our clients’ expec­ta­tions.

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