About //


DE design teams are inter­dis­ci­pli­nary by their very nature. As our port­fo­lio shows, we will bring com­ple­men­tary or seem­ing­ly diverse cre­ative pro­fes­sion­als togeth­er for the giv­en project. Our strength lies in our abil­i­ty to build flex­i­ble and well-man­aged teams to cre­ative projects.

Our design­ers are:

Indus­tri­al Design­ers, Graph­ic Design­ers, Archi­tects, Writ­ers, Film­mak­ers, Researchers, Poets, Mul­ti­me­dia Design­ers, Edi­tors, Sound Design­ers, AV Spe­cial­ists, Com­put­er Pro­gram­mers, Pho­tog­ra­phers, and Set Design­ers.

Whether it is a sci­ence cen­tre, film, event, or large for­mat graph­ics project, we con­sis­tent­ly build a team of design­ers that can cre­ate syn­er­gy between their skills and cre­ate mag­ic for a project. This is the DE advan­tage – cre­ative, inno­v­a­tive, diverse, and well-man­aged design teams.

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