Projects //

Event cre­ation, pre­sen­ta­tion design, and video pro­duc­tion for a side event at the Unit­ed Nations Con­ven­tion on Bio­di­ver­si­ty COP 10 Con­fer­ence in Nagoya, Japan. The side event focused on bio­di­ver­si­ty preser­va­tion, car­bon mar­kets, and capac­i­ty build­ing in the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Repub­lic of the Con­go and was con­duct­ed in con­junc­tion with DE affil­i­ate, the BDA Foun­da­tion. DE pro­vid­ed con­tent direc­tion to the video for this pre­sen­ta­tion which was edit­ed and direct­ed by Mr. David Eberts. The DE team also cre­at­ed a graph­ic brochure for this side event to accom­pa­ny the DVD pro­duced. The real chal­lenge of this project was to con­dense down a very large amount of infor­ma­tion relat­ed to cli­mate change pol­i­cy, capac­i­ty devel­op­ment, and the BDA project, and com­mu­ni­cate it in an effec­tive way to the audi­ence. Gov­ern­ment offi­cials, cor­po­rate lead­ers, and mem­bers of envi­ron­men­tal non-gov­ern­men­tal orga­ni­za­tions that attend­ed all com­ment­ed on the human­i­ty of the project that was pre­sent­ed. The side event man­aged to meet its objec­tive: to put a human face on bio­di­ver­si­ty preser­va­tion and cli­mate change adap­ta­tion in Africa.