Event creation, presentation design, and video production for a side event at the United Nations Convention on Biodiversity COP 10 Conference in Nagoya, Japan. The side event focused on biodiversity preservation, carbon markets, and capacity building in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and was conducted in conjunction with DE affiliate, the BDA Foundation. DE provided content direction to the video for this presentation which was edited and directed by Mr. David Eberts. The DE team also created a graphic brochure for this side event to accompany the DVD produced. The real challenge of this project was to condense down a very large amount of information related to climate change policy, capacity development, and the BDA project, and communicate it in an effective way to the audience. Government officials, corporate leaders, and members of environmental non-governmental organizations that attended all commented on the humanity of the project that was presented. The side event managed to meet its objective: to put a human face on biodiversity preservation and climate change adaptation in Africa.