DE is proud to sponsor and participate in the United Nations Secretariat for the Convention on Biological Diversity’s 20/20 talks on Biodiversity. This unique event will bring the brightest minds in the world together to share their expertise and insights on how their work connects to the UN SCBD Aichi Targets. The talks are divided into three sessions:
Session 1: Business and Biodiversity (at Concordia’s John Molson School of Business) Oct 3, 2013, from 19h to 21:30
Session 2: Traditional Knowledge and Biodiversity (at HEC Montreal) Oct 8, 2013, from 19h to 22:00.
Session 3: Science and Biodiversity (at McGill University) Oct 15, 2013, from 19h to 21:30.
DE is proud to sponsor this event by bringing expertise in Design to this very important issue.
We hope to see you at the sessions! Tweet to @DesignEnvInc for more info or see the promo flyer.